Poetry in Motion
Forever More​
Curious mind
all the time
and wondering
if you'll ever
be mine
To love
and love some more
forever more
every waking day
this I promise you
I'll stay
in love
with you
forever more
Time is Your Spare
Spectacular is he
in all that is envisioned
for time is your spare
every moment delicately incisioned
A keepssake of artistry
a pallet of hues
marking territory
paying one's dues
with blood, sweat,
love and tears
reflecting on the past
venturing forward without fears
Use it wisely
Embrace it graciously
Handle with care
For time is your spare
Going Nowhere​
She came
she went
and returned
only to find
she'd needed to go astray
from where she'd come
to discover
that which inside
of her
for which she'd sought
out there
was for naught
for inside
was that which she'd thought
she'd lost
yet held dear
all the long
Here I sit
alone with my wits
wondering when or if
I'll be joined by another
Two's company
three's a crowd
However, one is solitude
and I can think out loud
Alone with my thoughts
no sharing necessary
Is this as good as it gets
sounds like an obituary
Too quiet for comfort
make some noise if your please
Perhaps that roaring train
past my window
is enough to appease
I hear a knocking at my door
someone has invaded my space
I'm not alone anymore
joined the human race
To hold dear
To keep near
Never take for granted
Perhaps become enchanted
by the amazement
and beauty
that is timeless
and true
With passion
and heart
never coming apart
Always as one
in spite of any wrong done
Grand Babies​
So much cuter
and sweet
filled with laughter
billowing from cheek to cheek
Table crumbs
running noses
temper tantrums
photo poses
Running in and out
always got to shout
Mine! Mine!
He's touching me
I wanna go
I got to pee
I love these babies
they're all my own
I'll sure be glad
when they go back home